Happy Tails



Hope was rescued from a church parking lot by a wonderful couple that realized she needed help. She was definitely hurt, but still a fun loving and friendly puppy. Her new foster parents named her Hope because of her personality full of hope, and reached out to us for help getting her injury fixed. Unfortunately, Hope’s leg was damaged too badly and the surgeon had to amputate. Although we were sad Hope never missed a beat and her wonderful fosters ended up becoming her new family!!! Another HAPPY TAIL!

Wiggles is a very special cat with a rough history. He was found roaming the street by a gentle older lady that took him off the streets and try to give him a home. But it wasn’t to be as she passed away and Wiggles was left alone in the house for over a month before he was discovered by her children. That is where M & M stepped in but he was pretty traumatized and we had a hard time getting him to trust us. Wiggles was discovered to have renal disease and needed a special diet in order to survive. He was adopted twice and returned. He just could not adjust. But we never give up and now Wiggles has a forever home!!!! A wonderful lady looking for companionship that understood all of Wiggles special needs. They love each other and Wiggles finally has his HAPPY TAIL!!!!